
Alcremie-B Discord Bot Bot PFP

A Pokémon statistics Discord bot with the intended purpose of facilitating Max Raid Battles in Pokémon Sword & Pokémon Shield.

Discord Usage &

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Alcremie-B Widget



Command Arguments Descrition
%catch [Pokémon] (Form) (Ball) Shows a detailed summary of catch rates for a given Pokémon & Ball
%den [Den #] / [Pokémon] Shows a list of Pokémon that belong to a den including their HAs
%pokedex [Pokémon] Shows a detailed summary of a Pokémon’s latest Statistics (Gen 8 / Gen 7)
%ball [Ball] Shows a summary of a Poké-Ball’s statistics
%natures   Displays an in-depth Pokémon natures chart from Bulbapedia
%sprite   Displays a Pokémon’s latest in-game sprite
%types   Displays an in-depth type effectiveness chart
%showconf   Displays the server’s current bot settings in a JSON Format
%setconf [Setting] [Value(s)] Sets the specified setting’s value(s)
%resetconf   Resets the server’s current bot settings to default
%help   Displays a help message with this table of commands
%latency   Pings the bot’s & discord’s API and returns the latency in milliseconds
%credits   Displays a credit and thanks message

Configuration Settings

The bot has a selection of configuration settings that can be changed by the server owner or a registered server admin. The full list of settings along with examples on how to use them are listed below:

%setconf prefix (Non-alphanumeric Character)

Sets the bot’s prefix for your server to a given character: %setconf prefix !

setconf denpkmnonly (true | false)

Toggles between fetching Pokémon statistics from only those that can appear in Sword and Shield Max Raid Dens: %setconf denpkmnonly true

%setconf shinypkmnonly (true | false)

Toggles between displaying shiny Pokémon sprites only: %setconf shinypkmnonly true ___

%setconf restrictedchannels (channel-one, channel-two, etc)

Restricts Alcremie-B to only respond in the channels listed. Alcremie-B will respond to server admins and server owner regardless of this setting: %setconf restrictedchannels alcremie-test, botspam

The following is what %showconf would look like after performing each of the above example commands:

 "prefix": "!",
 "denpkmnonly": true,
 "shinypkmnonly": true,
 "restrictedchannels": [
   "name": "alcremie-test",
   "id": "ID#"
   "name": "botspam",
   "id": "ID#"

Example Images

%catch gmax gengar

Catch Gengar Gmax

%catch gmax gengar fast

Catch Gengar Gmax Fast

%catch gmax gengar timer

Catch Gengar Gmax Timer

%catch gmax appletun

Catch Appletun Gmax

%den 23

Den 23

%den frosmoth

Den Frosmoth

%pokedex froslass

Pokedex Froslass

Support & Progress
